book binding

Book Binding and Printing Company Near You

We have full in-house services when it comes to book binding. We take your book fresh off the press, and can pop it together in a book, magazine, and many other formats. Whether you are self publishing, or looking for a printer for your organizations monthly magazine or newsletter, we are the one stop shop for all of your bindery needs.

Printed Book Services and Types

We have years of experience printing a variety of book types for hundreds of different clients. We have printed and bound children's books, art books, recipe books, guide books, magazines, journals and catalogs just to name a few. We print these with the help of our expert press operators, apply finish to them, and then they reach our bindery department for each of their various book binding options. If you have something particular in mind, we'd love to chat about the different options we are capable of handling here at AZ Litho.

Book Binding Types

These are some examples of our favorite ways we suggest client bind their multi page projects.

soft cover and hard cover bookssewn bindingspiral wire and ring binding

Book Printing Service

We have the ability to print any size or format book you need. Depending on the quantity of books you will be producing, we may run these on the digital or offset press. We always have your budget in mind so we can produce the highest quality piece within your budget. Your books will leave here fresh off the press, looking their best!

Book Binding Turnaround Time

Because binding is an added step to the printing process, it does take longer than a single page print job. However, we will work with you to establish a timeline for when you can expect your books to reach your door.


Binding is a finishing option itself. But if you would like to browse other finishing options for your printed piece, please browse our finishing options.

rippled rock-like texture

Why Choose AZ Litho for Book Binding and Printing Services?

We have years of experience printing and binding all sorts of bound materials. If you have a job that will require binding, feel free to reach out to us for a quote - we'd love to talk to you about how we can make your book stand off the shelf and draw readers in!